Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Reason That Chip Wilson Plunged Lululemon Into Crisis

Analysis The reason that Chip Wilson plunged Lululemon into crisis again is because of three major issues: lack of media training as a spokesperson, lack of comprehensive crisis management plan in the company, and failure of internal communication. First of all, spokesperson media training is part of crisis preparation. In this case, lacking media training includes training for a TV interview and training for filming a video apology. Prior to Chip Wilson’s interview with Bloomberg TV, managers from the PR department should have conducted a comprehensive media training to Wilson. Topics cover from diagnosing company’s vulnerabilities, to preparing for difficult questions, to how to utilize chances to re-enhance the company’s image, and how to risk-averse after a major crisis. As Wilson’s answer caused another crisis, I assume that he was not ready to answer the questions of sheer pants recall, nor he was ever participated in any media training at all. Erik Bernstein who runs a crisis management blog noted that some people should never act as spokesperson. In fact, what surprised me was that as a company’s founder and chairman of board, it was Chip Wilson’s responsibility to have a general knowledge about the crisis and what caused the crisis and what procedures they have taken to solve the crisis. Even though he was never prepared for those questions beforehand, answers such as â€Å"women’s bodies don’t fit its pants† should have never came up. This crisis could have been

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Terrible Truth of Suicide - 789 Words

On average, a person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Depression, bullying, or even mental disorders can cause the act of intentionally killing oneself. Phrase’s that are commonly used have been taken lightly throughout the past years, such as: â€Å"Oh, I’m going to kill myself.† Generally, people using this expression they do not actually mean that, but some people might. People who commit suicide, more often than not, have been affected by an outside matter of issues. In the United States alone, suicide makes up for 2% of all deaths. Men over 69 and people between 15 and 24 have the highest rates of suicide. Many factors come into play, when committing such an act, but depression ranks number one in the cause category. About two-thirds of people who accomplish the act of suicide are generally depressed at the time of their deaths. Depression is a severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. Depression is a condition that reportedly affects 1 in 10 Americans at one point or another. This condition, at times, can be overwhelming to certain individuals at specific times in one’s life. In some cases of severe depression, this will lead to suicide. People that feel depressed often feel that â€Å"everyone would be better off without me.† To that person that is the rational answer, but they are being misled by their own state of being. Depression is treatable, almost always; the onlyShow MoreRelatedThe Euthanasia Is The Act Of Ending One s Own Life1530 Words   |  7 Pagessuffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. Euthanasia is different from physician assisted suicide in that with euthanasia, the doctor is the one who provides and administers the life ending drugs, and in physician ass isted suicide, the doctor can only provide the drugs. A big difference between the two is that euthanasia is illegal in all states; while, physician assisted suicide is legal in only five states in America. Having the option to end one’s own life when the pain and sufferingRead MoreTheoretical Suicide and Truth in All About Suicide by Luisa Valenzuela978 Words   |  4 PagesSuicide, what a terrible concept. There are two types of suicide: physical, and theoretical. Physical suicide is the more commonly heard type of suicide. It entails the person actually, physically killing himself or herself. On the other hand, theoretical suicide is when the person does something that will, in turn, get him or her killed. For example, in â€Å"All About Suicide† by Luisa Valenzuela, Ismael, a man that works at a minister’s office, murders the minister, a high-ranking public officialRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Society1637 Words   |  7 Pagesyoung person s who are truth be told discouraged have been smoking. Teenagers who smoked were at an expanded danger of discouragement at a 73% higher rate than different youngsters. Sometimes adolescents might be discouraged and it will be simple for individuals to notice, this is not generally the situation. In each high schooler s life, eventually, they are on an exciting ride, hence it is hard for anybody, even the guardians, to recognize misery from only a plain terrible day. This is the reasonRead MoreKant: the Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative1542 Words   |  7 Pagessuffered in his accidental death, you must decide which maxim to create and based on the test which action to perform. The maxim when answering a widows inquiry as to the nature and duration of her late husbands death, one should always tell the truth regarding the nature of her late husbands death (M1) passes both parts of the Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative. Consequently, according to Kant, M1 is a moral action. The initial stage of the Universal Law Formation ofRead MoreEssay on Blindness and Sight - Lack of Vision in Oedipus The King910 Words   |  4 Pagesman see? Can the sighted be blind? And beyond, when the truth is too terrible, do we choose not to see? The phrase too see has so very many connotations. One meaning is to know or to understand and the other is based on the physical aspects of things. As humans, we are distracted by the physical world, which causes us to be blinded by the most obvious of truths. Oedipus, the main character in Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex, could not see the truth, but the blind man, Teiresias, saw it plainly. Sophocles’Read MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus Oedipus The King 1152 Words   |  5 Pagestheme is developed throughout the dialogue, through characters such as Tiresias and Oedipus, and also directly in the irony of the play. It is important in a play about the truth because almost every character was â€Å"blind† to the tr uth. All of the characters, except one, can physically see, but mentally cannot see the truth. Oedipus seems to believe that he is some sort of god, and that he is omnipotent. He tells the priest, â€Å"I see – how could I fail to see what longings bring you here?† (575,Read MoreArthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman1039 Words   |  5 Pagesexample is the Willy s definition of success as living in the American dream. On the other hand, the book Oedipus the King occasions of tragic flow is evident. The first instance is when he first encounters Teiresias, a seer who declines to divulge the truth he admits to knowing. We see Teiresias begging Oedipus to let her go home. However, Oedipus doesn’t want anything withheld from him, and he gradually becomes more agitated with this wheedling. Furthermore, Teiresias plainly states Oedipus flaw. SheRead MoreThe Consequences of Being Smart Essay984 Words   |  4 PagesDr. Frankenstein’s life by killing off all his loved ones. After these actions and Frankenstein’s death, the creature’s own under standing of wretchedness and guilt because of his actions bring despair back to the creature, motivating it to commit suicide. The fabulous Greek myths show another, yet similar insight into the conflict between intelligence and its effects. Prometheus, a namesake of the Frankenstein novel, uses his intelligence and wit to defeat the Titans, earning him Zeus’s favor. HoweverRead MoreAnalysis of Sylvia Plaths Mirror1281 Words   |  6 Pagesin life. â€Å"Mirror† is one of her most famous poems. Sylvia Plath wrote the poem in 1961, just two years before her actual suicide. After suffering a miscarriage, she realized that she was pregnant again. She and her husband moved to a small town and their marriage began going worse. The poem is not simply about a mirror. This is a poem about self-realization, despair but also truth. We can see the poem as a reflection of Plath’s difficult life, but it’s also the women’s reflections in general. By usingRead MoreAdvertising And The Advertising Groups1057 Words   |  5 PagesOften you hear the phrase, â€Å"there is truth in adverti sing†. More and more media groups use unique and gimmicky concepts to grab the attention of their desired audience. One such concept commonly employed by advertising groups is scare tactics. Groups such as the Truth Campaign or the American Cancer Association have been using stark commercials with dark, and often graphic, materials to get across their anti-tobacco message. One of these ads (above) uses familiar imagery in a provocative way to

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited F Essay Example For Students

Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited F Essay orm?Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited Form?1. IntroductionThis essay centres around what it means to know something is true and also whyit is important to distinguish between what you know and do not or can not know. The sceptic in challenging the possibility of knowing anything challenges thebasis on which all epistemology is based. It is from this attack on epistemologythat the defence of scepticism is seen. 2. Strong ScepticismStrong scepticism states that it is not possible to know anything. That is wecannot have absolute knowledge of anything. This can however immediately havethe reflexive argument turned on it and have the question begged of it: If itis not possible to know anything then how is it you know that nothing isknowable ?. Strong Scepticism is therefore unable to be defended. 3. A Definition of KnowledgeKnowledge can be said to be information that the brain has received that meets acertain set of criteria. When someone states that they know something they mustalso believe that, that something is so. If they did not believe in it then howcould they take it in as knowledge ?, they would instead be doubtful of it andlook for evidence or justification as to why they should believe it. Secondly for someone to believe in something they must also believe that it istrue. If they did not believe that it was true then what is mentioned abovewould not occur. So, so far it is decided that knowledge should be true belief. How does one cometo the conclusion that something is true however ?. We seek justification. Thejustification really is the most important part of the criteria because withoutit one cannot say something is true and therefore cannot say that one believes. This does however bring up the question of how does something become justified ?,do we hear it from other people ?, see it on the news ?. The justification ofsomething really depends on its predictability. If something becomes predictablethen it can becomes justified aswell. For example, I know that the sun will risetomorrow is a fair thing to say because I believe this is so, I believe this istrue, and I am justified in believing this due to my past experience* of thepredictableness of the sun rising each day. The only problem with meeting the set of criteria laid out above is that onemust use one senses to do so and as shall be shown in the next section they arenot the most reliable of instruments. 4. PerceptionsA persons sensual perceptions are generally their means of receiving informationbut how much can we trust our senses ?. Two examples of a persons sensualperception leading them astray are as follows. Two people are looking at a white object. The first person is looking at theobject through a transparent red sheet and the other through a transparent greensheet. Neither person knows that the sheets are there so both come away withdifferent conclusions and perceptions as to what colour the object in front ofthem is. (Cornman, Lehrer, Pappas, 1992, pp. 46-47)Another example is when two people are looking at an oblong object fromdifferent angles one may see a perfect rectangle the other a perfect square. (Cornman, Lehrer, Pappas, 1992, pp. 46-47)The point I am making here is that sensual perceptions are all relevant to theposition of the observer. This is not a good situation for something that wecontrive to get justification for our knowledge from. 5. The Brain in the Vat ArgumentThis argument is similar to the one in Platos republic in that it involves animaginary situation where the people or person involved believes that they haveknowledge (Plato, Cave Analogy, Book VII). In the brain in the vat example the brain believes that it is a fullyfunctioning human being and there exists an external world around it. The reasonfor the brain believing that it knows this is that it has reasonable belief dueto the fact that everything in its environment coheres, this is obviously notso however if everything does not cohere (Harrison, 1966-67, pp 179-189). The Emptiness of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essay7. Justification of Arguments from ExperienceFrom ones experience or observations, current and past, one can inductivelyinfer what will happen in the near future and where certain things exist. Therefore one can say that in the cupboard my coat is hanging and that I shallhave a sandwich for lunch. David Hume however argued that I cannot know that mycoat is in the cupboard unless I have justification in believing that myexperience makes my proposition probable (Dancy, 1985, p.15). This again drawson my knowledge of the consistency of the outside world but it also needs me tobelieve that events that I have not observed are similar to those I haveobserved and Humes point is that I have no reason to believe this. The sceptical side of this therefore is that one cannot make assumptionsregarding ones senses which are unreliable in the first place. The experiencesone has had cannot lead to assumptions beyond ones experiences. The epistemists response to this would be to then ask the sceptic but wherewould we be if we could not believe the unobserved events to be happening. Thereasonable belief of these events flows from the consistency of the outsideworld. If we could not believe in this consistency sitting down would even causeproblems due to the fact that the chair would at some point become an unobservedexperience. The fact of the matter is that we would not be able to survive forvery long if we could not trust in our previous experience. 8. The Epistemist Rejoin for all ArgumentsThis is the reply that any epistemist can make to a sceptic with a guaranteedoutcome. The epistemist really just needs to say that since the sceptics arguethat there is no knowledge only reasonable belief then reasonable belief is themost they can have of their propositions and conclusions. This is anotherexample of the reflexive argument being turned on scepticism. 9. ConclusionJudging by the above arguments, which are admittedly not of the strongestsceptical type as they are all global arguments and do not attack our notion ofunderstanding, scepticism can be defended. The onus of proof of the fact thatknowledge exists lies with the epistemist and viewing the above arguments. Thesceptic should concede that reasonable belief can exist but should vehementlyargue that true knowledge cannot exist even though reasonable belief orjustification exists. The part of the knowledge criteria that causes the problemis the truth criterion and this criterion can never totally be fulfilled. BibliographyAyer, A. J. (1965), Philosophical Essays, London: MacMillan Co. Ltd. Ayer, A. J. (1980), Hume, London: Oxford University Press. Cornman, Lehrer, Pappas (1992), Philosophical Problems and Arguments AnIntroduction , Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company Inc. Coval, S. (1967), Scepticism and the First Person, Great Britain: Methuen Co. Ltd. Dancy, Jonathon (1985), An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, GreatBritain: Basil Blackwell Ltd. Descartes, Rene (as translated by E.S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross) (1969), ThePhilosophical Works of Decartes vol. I II, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress. Edwards, Paul (1965), The Logic of Moral Discourse, New York: The Free Press. Gorovitz, Williams (1967), Philosophical Analysis, An Introduction to ItsLanguage Techniques, New York: Random House. Guthrie, W. K. C. (1971), The Sophists, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hamlyn, D. W. (1983), The Theory of Knowledge, London: Macmillan Press. Harris, Errol (1969), Fundamentals of Philosophy A Study of Classical Texts,U.S.A.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Harrison, J. (1966-67). A Philosophers Nightmare or The Ghost not Laid. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol LXVII. Hume, David (1962), A Treatise of Human Nature, Great Britain: Fontana Library. Presley, C. F. (1967), The Identity Theory of Mind, St Lucia: University ofQueensland Press. van Inwagen, P. and Lowe E. (1996) . Why Is There Anything At All?. Proceedingsof the Aristotelian Society, Vol LXX.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Production and Multinational Enterprise

Question: Discuss about the International Production and Multinational Enterprise. Answer: Introduction: Strategy has been misconstrued as a vision or mission statement, goals, strategic threats by many organizations. Strategy is generally assumed in the common activities of an organization and hence a requirement of comprehensive understanding of strategy in business management. The formation of a strategy is necessary for development of promising opportunities for the organization. Strategy of an organization provides a clear depiction of the markets in which the organization operates, unique value proposition provided by the company, resources and capabilities as well as factors for sustaining its value proposition (Beamish, 2013). Therefore sustenance in global markets has led to exposure towards several prolific strategies such as the AAA framework. The use of the AAA framework is largely concerned with the development of a promising value proposition in a global market and sustaining it. Strategic direction towards global value creation according to the AAA framework relies on the elements of adaptation, aggregation and arbitrage. The three different approaches could be considered as integral aspects of strategies for global value creation. A mere global strategy would not be sufficient to address the requirements in the domain of business (Buckley, Burton Mirza, 2016). The adaptation approach comprises of distinct methods to create value in a global market. Aggregation approach comprises of capitalizing on the economies of scale and scope which is executed commonly using the CAGE framework which relies on cultural, administrative and economic aggregation for facilitating value creation. The approach of aggregation is characterized by limited impact on local responsiveness and could be prepared according to geographic and non-geographic contexts. Arbitrage approach relies on the differences between regions and utilizes the concept of purchasing at lower prices in a specific market and selling at higher prices in another market. The CAGE framework also appli es to Arbitrage approach and hence leveraging cultural, geographic, economic and administrative capabilities for obtaining value in foreign markets (Casson, 2013). Application of Ideas The study of AAA framework could be applied to the case of McDonalds which assumed the adaptation approach to enter the Indian market. The sustenance of the companys value proposition in the sub-continent was primarily driven by its association with local entrepreneurs and introduction of variety in its products according to the preferences of the local customers. Furthermore, it was observed that the company assumed design adaptation and therefore McDonalds was able to reduce the complexity of supply chain management. The company was utilizing the local supply chain for manufacturing products and hence major reduction in the costs of transporting raw materials to the subcontinent was observed. The example of Tesla Motors can be considered for application of the adaptation approach for global value creation (Dunning, 2012). The companys initiatives to build hybrid electric cars should be complemented with focus on specific markets and customer segments. The focus of the organization on specific customer segments which would be willing to purchase the products of Tesla Motors. The application of focus approach of adaptation for Tesla Motors should be directed towards countries which favor environment friendly initiatives such as the hybrid electric cars provided by the company (Driffield, Jones Crotty, 2013). Business Mode Innovation Business model of an enterprise serves as the most promising resource for the company to realize development and growth. The business model could be considered as an outline of the approach followed by an organization and generally refers to four distinct components such as value proposition, value chain infrastructure, and global management model and market participation. It has also been observed that companies should undergo innovation in business model fabrication (Driffield, Jones Crotty, 2013). The apprehension of the roles of values disciplines and the marker leadership in the implementation of a business model for global strategy is imperative. The introduction of plausible inferences such as supply chain management from value chain infrastructure, global management from the model, is scope for global branding due to market participation and value proposition in the form of innovation. Value proposition of a business accounts for the primary aspect of a business model. The v alue proposition can be defined as the companys offer to the customers and package of products and services alongside a complete range of intangible and tangible benefits provided by a company to its customers. Market participation aspect of business model is determined by the organizations preferences for specific markets and customer segments, promotion and advertisement of value proposition as well as distribution methods (Forsgren Johanson, 2014). Market participation is a considerable influence on the identification of specific customers, scope for brand association and interaction between business and customers. The value chain infrastructure depicted in the business model of an organization refers to the association of the company with affiliate and partner networks as well as relevant resources and capabilities required to address the target markets and support the value proposition of the products (Wild, Wild Han, 2014). The value chain infrastructure is also concerned wi th the organization of the supporting networks and resources and capabilities of the organization to create a prolific opportunity for value creation in the target market (Jenkins, 2013) s. Global management model refers to the approach followed by an organization in its global operations and the primary classifications of global management model could be verified in the global product divisions and geographical structuring of the organization. The value discipline followed by a business organization is dependent on the value discipline and value creation strategy. The commonly adopted value disciplines by organizations in their business models refer to operational excellence, customer intimacy and product leadership (Verbeke, 2013). Application of Ideas The example of Intel can be viable observed as an implementation of effective business model for global value creation. Intel has sustained its value proposition for customers in the form of cost-effective computing chips and microprocessors and it defines the integration of product leadership value discipline in the business model. Intel has always set benchmarks in the industry of computing with the introduction of products superlative in processing performance than the earlier processor designs (Sinkovics et al., 2014). The major emphasis on creativity, speed and origin of innovative solutions is the key characteristic of product leadership which reflects on the value proposition of Intel. The case of British Airways can be considered for the realization of a business model for global value creation (Kelley Shenkar, 2013). The company could assume the value discipline of operational excellence through improving efficiency and cost in it value propositions. The existing value chai n infrastructure for British Airways would provide viable opportunities to realize additional concerns of safety of passengers and crew members as well as moderating business processes such as advertising, bookings and verification procedures. These improvisations in the business model of the organization could facilitate appropriate opportunities to sustain the competitive global market (Sinkovics et al., 2014). References Beamish, P., 2013.Multinational Joint Ventures in Developing Countries (RLE International Business). Routledge. Buckley, P.J., Burton, F. and Mirza, H. eds., 2016.The strategy and organization of international business. Springer. Casson, M. ed., 2013.The Growth of International Business (RLE International Business). Routledge. Dunning, J.H., 2012.International Production and the Multinational Enterprise (RLE International Business). Routledge. Dunning, J.H., 2013.Multinationals, Technology Competitiveness (RLE International Business)(Vol. 13). Routledge. Driffield, N., Jones, C. and Crotty, J., 2013. International business research and risky investments, an analysis of FDI in conflict zones.International Business Review,22(1), pp.140-155. Enderwick, P. ed., 2013.Multinational Service Firms (RLE International Business). Routledge. Forsgren, M. and Johanson, J., 2014.Managing networks in international business. Routledge. Jenkins, R., 2013.Transnational Corporations and Uneven Development (RLE International Business): The Internationalization of Capital and the Third World. Routledge. Kelley, L. and Shenkar, O., 2013.International business in China. Routledge. Sinkovics, R.R., Yamin, M., Nadvi, K. and Zhang Zhang, Y., 2014. Rising powers from emerging markets? The changing face of international business.0969-5931,23(4), pp.675-679. Taylor, M. and Thrift, N., 2013.Multinationals and the Restructuring of the World Economy (RLE International Business): The Geography of the Multinationals(Vol. 2). Routledge. Verbeke, A., 2013.International business strategy. Cambridge University Press. Wild, J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C., 2014.International business. Pearson Education Limited.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

F.B.I. Essays - United States Intelligence Agencies,

F.B.I. The agency now known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was founded in 1908 when Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte appointed an unnamed force of Special Agents to be the investigative force of the Department of Justice (DOJ). Prior to that time, DOJ borrowed Agents from the U.S. Secret Service to investigate violations of federal criminal laws within its jurisdiction. By order of Attorney General George W. Wickersham, the Special Agent force was named the Bureau of Investigation in 1909. Following a series of changes in name, the Federal Bureau of Investigation officially received its present title in 1935. During the early period of the FBIs history, its Agents investigated violations of some of the comparatively few existing federal criminal violations, such as bankruptcy, frauds, antitrust crime, and neutrality violations. The first major expansion of the Bureau's jurisdiction came in 1910 when the Mann Act (White Slave) was passed. It provided a tool by which the federal government could investigate criminals who evaded state laws but had no other federal violations. During World War I, the Bureau was given responsibility for espionage, sabotage, sedition, and draft violations. Passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction. The Gangster Era began after passage of Prohibition in 1920. A number of highly visible criminals engaged in kidnapping and bank robbery, which were not federal crimes at that time. This changed in 1932 with passage of a federal kidnapping statute. In 1934, many additional federal criminal statutes were passed, and Congress gave Special Agents the authority to make arrests and to carry firearms. The FBI's size and jurisdiction during World War II increased greatly and included intelligence matters in South America. With the end of that war and the advent of the Atomic Age, the FBI began conducting background security investigations for the White House and other government agencies, as well as probes into internal security matters for the Executive Branch. Civil rights violations and organized crime became major concerns of the FBI in the 1960's, as did counterterrorism, white-collar crime, drugs, and violent crimes during 1970's and 1980's. The 1990's brought even more investigative responsibilities to the Bureau--like computer crimes, health care fraud, economic espionage, and threats from weapons of mass destruction. The FBI is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. Title 28, United States Code, Section 533, which authorizes the Attorney General to appoint officials to detect...crimes against the United States, and other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes. The Bureau is also authorized to investigate matters where no prosecution is contemplated. For example, under the authority of several Executive Orders, the FBI conducts background security checks concerning nominees to sensitive government positions. In addition, the FBI has been directed or authorized by Presidential statements or directives to obtain information about activities jeopardizing the security of the nation. Information obtained through a FBI investigation is presented to the appropriate U.S. Attorney or DOJ official, who decides if prosecution, or other action, is warranted. Top priority has been assigned to the five areas that affect society the most: counterterrorism, drugs/organized crime, foreign counterintelligence, violent crimes, and white-collar crimes. The FBI also is authorized to provide other law enforcement agencies with cooperative services, such as fingerprint identification, laboratory examinations, and police training; to publish annual Uniform Crime Reports; and to administer the National Crime Information Center. The FBI is a field-oriented organization in which eleven divisions and four offices at FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) in Washington, D.C., provide program direction and support services to 56 field offices, approximately 400 satellite offices known as resident agencies, four specialized field installations, and 35 foreign liaison posts. The foreign liaison offices, each of which is headed by a Legal Attache or Legal Liaison Officer, work abroad with American and local authorities on criminal matters within FBI jurisdiction. The FBI has approximately 11,400 Special Agents and over 16,400 other employees who perform professional, administrative, technical, clerical, craft, trade, or maintenance operations. About 9,800 employees are assigned to FBIHQ; nearly 18,000 are assigned to field installations. The FBI's total annual funding for all operations, salaries,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

African Cats essays

African Cats essays The majority of the animals in Africa entered the human world as predators. Soon after, the roles had reversed and these beautiful creatures became human prey. Not only do humans prey upon African animals but also Africas habitats are being destroyed. This forces the small animals out of the forest and soon they die. Then the larger animals have nothing to hunt and eat so they end up dying off as well. Zoologists began to notice the disappearance of Africas beautiful creatures and now are working toward animal protection. Animal rights groups have formed to help put an end to animal slaughter. Some animal rights groups have gone too far but they have good intentions. With the help of zoos, science and technology, hopefully there wont be any more animals from Africa on the endangered species list. Due to humans cutting down forests and hunting in Africa, helpless animals have become endangered, needing humans to help procreate their species. In Africa humans and animals once lived together peacefully. Africans wild animals have decreased in numbers after the arrival of the Europeans because of intensive hunting and destruction of natural habitats (Veron 19). In the beginning of the year 1960 wild animals were thought of as carriers of diseases so the Europeans tried their best to kill off all diseases. Sadly this was the beginning of a killing spree in Africa. In Africa alone mass extinction takes place every 26 million years (Stuart 3). The biggest cause of extinction is the overpopulation of people (Stuart 3). Africas loss of habitat has been so bad that these areas may be irreversible (Veron 19). Many of Africas animals have become endangered and some even extinct. One way humans can end this mass destruction of creatures is by controlling human population. With more people in the world there is a need for more homes, which causes the destruction of natural habitats. In 1990 ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Maltese Youth Policy 2004 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Maltese Youth Policy 2004 - Essay Example The policy covers the psychological, mental and physical realms of young people's health. Since the policy focuses on prevention rather than treatment, this is a wise approach by the Maltese government because it implies that they have realised that good health starts at an early age. This objective is to be implemented through establishment of health education. (Youth Forum, 2006a) The Maltese Youth Policy is also quite unswerving in its approach because it focuses on some of the dangerous activities that youth engage in and those that can be detrimental to their health. This has been achieved through placement of professionals to deal with those dangerous issues e.g. unprotected sex, addiction, promiscuity, careless driving, malnutrition and dangerous leisure activities. The Policy also considers the fact that youth need to be protected in their work places and therefore introduces the issue of promotion of safety standards within workplaces. There are some weaknesses in the policy too. The first is the fact that very little has been done to address the issue of diversity within the nation yet there are a number of foreign youth in the country. Additionally, the policy has described all the issues that need to be addressed but it has not implemented some of these issues. Part of the reason why implementation has been slow was because some of the terms in the policy are ambiguous. For example, the policy claims that it will 'promote' health as part of the holistic approach to health. However, details on how this can be achieved have not been clearly laid out. Additionally, the policy has not specified which age groups or classes will need health education. The policy has made a sweeping statement about the importance of early education as a base for healthy living yet there are various interpretations to the term 'early'. (Eurodesk, 2004) A Critique of the Youth Health policy in Slovakia, Britain and Finland The Youth Policy in Britain focuses on a number of issues facing young members of society. Some of them include; embracing diversity within the nations' youth agenda, promoting participation of the youth in activities that affect their country including sports and many others. However, there is very little focus on health. Despite giving numerous suggestions on how the overall well being of the youth can be improved, there is still little effort to link those suggestions to health. (ESPNsoccernet, 2008) However, there are some positive aspects about the policy too. The policy initiated a campaign against unhealthy eating habits and childhood obesity. It also created a personal health initiative where there would be focus on the young people between the ages of twelve and thirteen. This was introduced in order to assist young people in the process of making a transition from their teenage years into later stages of life. However, even this initiative is not all encompassing as it has not looked at emotional and mental aspects of health. All in all, one can conclude that the Youth Policy in Britain is quite elaborate but lacks precision under the health agenda. The Youth Policy in Finland is examined after every ten years through the Youth Act. The last change was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Successful information security management Research Paper

Successful information security management - Research Paper Example Security incident management facilitates the development of security incident handling and planning including preparation for detection and reply to information security issues. The standard of the incident management primarily relates to ensure the existence of processes rather than the contents of these procedures. The security incident of different computing systems will have dissimilar effects and escort to different consequences, bureau, departments the Internal Revenue Service need to tailor the security incident handling plan according to specific operational requirements. Internal Revenue Service invests enormous money to buy and install computing equipments for securing their networks. Information systems security is a challenge for executives and the information technology professionals. Internal Revenue Service focus on performance and efficiency of the security equipments. This is not enough, as human intervention and a proper plan need to be defined. The information tech nology professionals are not only responsible for securing the information systems, all the employees of the organization are responsible.... The procedure for incident handling incorporated an action plan that counters Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, Cyber-attacks, natural disasters such as fire, earth quakes, flood etc. likewise, the incident management process includes a six step process i.e. Prepare, Identify, Contaminate, Eradicate, Recover and the lessons learned from the past. The information security should be handled internally and externally by the employees of Internal Revenue Service. They will be supported by the security teams with high-powered information security officers. The employees who do not have insufficient skills in dealing with information security, they can perform well in reducing risk factors. In each major business unit, employees with set of expertise to conduct IT audit, project management and risk management are recommended to be an information security officers. However, interpersonal, communication and process improvement skills are essential. Likewise, the most prominent objective for this role is to spread awareness between every employee of the Internal Revenue Service, as the awareness will be related to information security threats and most importantly the associated risks with these threats to the Internal Revenue Service. If Internal Revenue Service is associated with the cloud computing services, non-disclosure agreements should be signed and service level agreements should also be made. 2 Security Incident Handling It is the information depletion that will be undesirable to the welfare of Internal Revenue Service. It is an adverse event in an information system or network that poses a threat to computing equipment

Monday, November 18, 2019

Servant Leadership Integrative Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Servant Leadership Integrative Project - Essay Example Transformational leadership style is composed of so many components (Margaret 2013). The components of transformational leadership are well highlighted below; Intellectual stimulation This of component transformational style encourages creativity and innovation among the people who follow this style. The transformational leaders challenge the members who follow them and arouse them to identify new gaps and learn from that. The local churches can as well adapt this form of transformational style so that they identify the areas or points that they may need to strengthen to enable them develop and spread the gospel further (Larry 2002). Individualized or subjective consideration Under this component of transformational leadership, it is important to note that the transformational leaders give personal assistance to the individual followers. The followers can access the services they would require from the followers. They have ensured that there is transparency in the means and modes of communication between the leaders and the followers. This has helped as the followers can now see that the leaders acknowledge the efforts that they make towards the team. The local churches have always shown this especially in the cases where the church members would wish to have prayer requests at their residential places and thank God that the God sent servants have never let them down. The servants do this because the word of the Lord is free and to make the members see that the efforts that they put in the church are acknowledged (Mitsuru 2011). Inspirational motivation Transformational leaders have well set goals and missions that have boosted the loyalty of the members. The members therefore have developed a strong passion for the team thereby contributing much for the benefit of the team. In the local churches, the leaders have to be goal oriented of which the goal is spreading the gospel and they should not involve themselves in other activities that can send the people awa y from the Lord. They should therefore conduct themselves in an inspiring and a manner that is quite motivating (Rhonda 2011). Idealized influence Transformational leaders can serve as the moral icons fir their followers. Any move they take will therefore be highly copied and emulated by their followers. It is therefore important to highlight that they should conduct themselves well so that the picture that comes after they are seen is a positive one to the followers. The leaders in the local churches should therefore be on the forefront of inflicting good moral values to the people. This is another way of accomplishing the work of the Lord (Larry 2002). It is very important to highlight that transformational form of leadership has various core values that, are the propulsive forces that that back up the mission as well as the visional duties of the servants of God. The core or rather the main values of transformational style of leadership are highlighted below; Courage Transformati onal style of leadership needs a lot of courage for success to be realized in any mission that you undertake. With this, the servant has to be ready to take the risk and as well bear them. Courage must be supported with good will and positivity in any circumstance you choose to go for. Courageous servants of the biblical work mission have the potential of overcoming any temptation that may come their way. The missionary work of God

Friday, November 15, 2019

Case Study of Infection Control Mr Jones

Case Study of Infection Control Mr Jones Mr. Jones is a 72 year old Gentleman who was cared for in an acute medical setting, to ensure patients confidentiality is maintained (NMC2009) his name has been changed. Infection control is a fundamental aspect of a nurses role, as well as the responsibility of everyone who works within healthcare systems (Department of Health (DH) 2006a). Infection control and the prevention of all infection remains a major goal within all healthcare settings, and lies with all healthcare professionals and personnels responsibility to ensure this is achieved. The NHS and healthcare systems have specialised infection control teams to ensure an effective infection control programme has been planned and implemented, also regularly evaluate the effectiveness of programmes and update their findings. The infection prevention and control team provides advice about the prevention and management of infection including outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting, as well as promoting education and awareness to patients and carers. They work closely with staff and senior members of the healthcare setting to ensure that correct policies and procedures are adhered to. ( Healthcare consists of a multi disciplinary team and all professionals must work together in order to encourage the effectiveness of the infection control programme is achieved. Microbiology has become an advanced science in the investigation of infections and the management of their control in the hospital setting, the study of living organisms that are so small that can not be seen by the naked eye, Microbes are everywhere, they are able to survive in almost every conceivable environment(J.Wilson). Many species of bacteria exists as well as virus and other micro organisms, but thanks to advance scientific findings a very small proportion cause disease and infection (J.Wilson). The student nurse acted appropriately and was aware of following the NMC guidelines at all times within the clinical area of placement, and adhering to confidentiality guidelines and ethical policy. The student nurse was called to assist Mr. Jones who had alerted the staff on the ward that he was in need of assistance in the toilet. When entering the room it was obvious to the student nurse that Mr. Jones was distressed. Mr. Jones had been incontinent and defecated on to the floor of the toilet and surrounding area. The student nurse gave reassurance to Mr. Jones to encourage the relief of his anxiety and distress, making the care of people your first concern, treating people kindly and considerately. (NMC2009). According to the Bristol stool chart the stools that Mr. Jones had passed were type 7, the Bristol stool chart shows seven categories of stool and was developed by K.W Heaton and S.J Lewis at the University of Bristol and first published in the Scandinavian journal of Gastroenterology in 1997. Types 5-7 according to the Bristol stool chart may indicate diarrhoea and urgency, with stools passed watery with no solid pieces which presents entirely liquid. The Bristol stool chart is an extremely useful guide as having a reference to adhere to gives the healthcare professional a better understanding and descriptive way of passing on information regarding their patient, a great deal of information can be learnt by the consistency of the patients stool as to indicate if their is any cause to be concerned, Clostridium difficile is an infection which is seen within the healthcare setting such as the hospital or care home, and was first recognised in the late 1970s, it does not present a problem in a healthy person but can present a problem in people who have been taking long term antibiotics, as this can interfere with good bacteria within the gut which can encourage C.difficile bacteria to multiply and produce toxins which causes diarrhoea and vomiting, C.difficile is more common in the over 65 age group, and can be spread through cross contamination from patient contact, via healthcare staff or via contaminated surfaces within the environ ment. ( Healthcare environments are constantly battling against outbreaks of infection with implementing effective control measures which the infection control teams have implemented in guidelines from policy and procedures, in many cases time of outbreaks can not be determined but effective control measures can prevent the spread of infection to other areas, Norovirus which can present huge problems and stress to the healthcare setting can usually be determined to present in the winter months, vomiting and diarrhoea can present any time outside this time frame and procedures will be a duty of care to adhere to, to minimise the risk of the spread of infection. An outbreak within the clinical setting may be defined as two or more cases of the same infection which are linked in time and place and any suspicion of an outbreak must be reported and documented to the relevant departments. (The Health Act 2006). Having identified the risks of potential cross contamination and infection the student nurse intentions were to ensure that the necessary precautions were adhered to. Protective clothing such as gloves and aprons should be worn in accordance with the standard universal precautions policy. Staff can be at risk of infection or transference of pathogens if they do not comply with good infection control practices. Essential skills clusters for nurses. The student nurse prior to assisting Mr. Jones any further made sure adequate protective clothing was worn with putting gloves and apron on. Wearing uniforms or protective personal clothing is affected by current legislation. (Health and Safety at work Act 1974). The student nurse had made the decision not to wear added protective clothing as in this situation her personal judgement did not feel it necessary, face masks and eye protection are not always necessary for most intervention or activity to prevent cross infection, however, when there is a likelihood of accidental splashes from blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions to the face they must be worn. (Arrowsmith 2005, p.81, Pratt et al.2007). The first priority of the nurse is the patient, so that they feel comfortable and less distressed about the situation, Make the care of people your first concern, treat people as individuals and respect their dignity (NMC 2009). It is a general legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained before starting treatment or providing personal care for a patient. Explaining clearly the students intentions to Mr. Jones was important to ensure that Mr. Jones was informed and consented to the student nurse helping with personal care he was to receive, you must ensure that you gain consent before you begin any treatment or care (NMC2008). Mr. Jones mental capacity was at a satisfactory level to have the ability to understand what had just occurred and made the informed personal choice that the student nurse could assist him with resolving the situation that he had found himself in, For consent to be valid, it must be voluntary and informed, and the person consenting must have the capacity to make the decision.( The hygiene needs of Mr. Jones were met, using soap and water and clean underwear and gown was supplied. Hygiene needs are an important fundamental role of the nurse, and the protection of the skin and ensuring the patients skin is left clean and dry. Skin care is critically important, remembering to cleanse and protect the skin, especially if the skin has been exposed to urine or stool, also being aware of damaged skin, which can lead to infection, especially serious among the elderly. As well as infection it is essential to promote the prevention of skin breakdown, again, especially within the elderly. The presence of urine and faeces on the skin increases the normal PH of 4.0 -5.5 and makes the skin wet. The rise of PH and excess moisture increases the risks of tissue breakdown and infection. (Ersser This also ensured that cross contamination of any possible infection did not pass onto any person on the ward and contamination of the surfaces at Mr. Jones bed space. Ba cteria may multiply rapidly to create a source of infection, provided that a suitable vehicle transfers them to a susceptible site on the patient. (Infection control in clinical practice, J.Wilson). Appropriate handling of infected items is the key to minimise the risk of transmission and cross contamination within the clinical area and responsibility of the student nurse and all other staff within the clinical areas, removal of gloves and aprons after use should be exposed of in the nearest clinical waste bin and soiled linen placed in a red linen bag. Contamination of the environment is a necessary duty of the nurse and the relevant domestic staff on the ward was informed of the area of risk, NHS Infection control precautions policy states, that spillages of faeces and/or vomit must be cleaned up immediately using detergent and water. The area should then be disinfected using a hypochlorite 10,000ppm (Antichlor Plus) solution. Prior to the student nurse escorting Mr. Jones back to his bed space within the ward necessary and crucial hand washing was carried out thoroughly and encouragement for Mr. Jones to carry out the same precautions were implied, by doing so this action dis couraged transmission of pathogens and possible cross contamination. Hand decontamination is a low tech clinical intervention that can prevent transmission of infection (DH2006b). Unclean hands have been shown to be a significant vehicle for the transmission of micro organisms and contribute to outbreaks of infection in healthcare environments. (Pratt et al 2007). A healthcare professionals role and responsibility is to collaborate with those their care at all times and to encourage education and understanding about their individual promotion of health and wellbeing, NMC, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics states that, you must support people in caring for themselves to improve and maintain health, and recognise and respect the contribution that people make to their own care and wellbeing. The student nurse encouraging Mr. Jones to wash his hands and help with his personal care can encourage promoting Mr. Jones independence and mental wellbeing as well as encourage the understanding of the importance of discouraging of cross contamination within the environment. A senior member of the nursing staff was immediately informed regarding the situation with Mr. Jones as the information was important with the care he was currently receiving and relevant to any future care that he was about to receive, as well as the possible risk of infection as type 7 stool poses to the environment. The need to respect peoples confidentiality is a duty of care to the patient so it would be necessary to ensure the patient was informed that any information passed on was in their best interest, NMC 2010 states, you must ensure people are informed about how and why information is shared by those who will be providing their care and you must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practising.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

hunter gatherers Essay -- essays research papers fc

Our species have been hunter-gatherers for most of the time we have existed on the Earth. The people of the Paleolithic period adapted themselves to the environment of the time, taking food as and when it was available and hunted game which resulted in a high percentage of their food being meat. Evidence suggests that before the end of the Paleolithic period, hunters would have noted the migratory patterns of the herds they hunted and learned which plants were nutritious and not poisonous. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries where gathered when in season and, being nomadic, they followed the sources of food rather than growing crops. Learning to control fire helped them adapt to their environment, both by providing a source of warmth and safety (extending the temperate range in which they could survive) and by making food more palatable and appetising. (I. Kuijt, pp. 103-107) Approximately Twelve thousand years ago the most recent Ice Age retreated. The herds of large cold-climate animals moved north and our ancestors had to change their habits in order to survive. As the more southern locations warmed, some hunter-gatherers found enough food to support the group short distances from their camps. These food plants attracted a wide variety of smaller game such as horse and rabbit. Conditions around the major river systems in warm climates were favourable to settlements, since these areas had sufficient food available for survival year round. Evidence suggests that at this time settled life and the deliberate cultivation of food plants began in five different parts of the world; Euphrates, and the Nile rivers; the Indus River in the northern Indian subcontinent; in China along the Yellow River; the Fertile Crescent area in West Asia along the Tigris; in sub-Saharan Africa and the Niger River system; and in Central America. ( ient_civilization.htm) The change to settlement from nomadic living marked the beginning of the Neolithic period. The people now produced food, rather than procuring it, they no longer adapted themselves to their environment, but adapted their environment to them. This involved actions as simple as weeding around food plants, bringing water to the plants during dry periods, and planting seeds so that food grew in a more convenient location. Settled life meant food could be stored as a reserve for times... ...This early farming resulted in the extended kinship networks and economic trade systems that existed as late as the industrial revolution. It affected our culture and changed our drives making us territorial and materialistic, but it also created the hierarchical systems that allowed cooperation within our species beyond that normal in the anima kingdom. It was this cooperation that allowed us to change the world our species lived in, giving us the abilities needed to dominate the planet. Bibliography (1959) R. Redfield The Primitive World and its Transformations Great Seal Books, New York (1991) R. L. Bettinger Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory Plenum Press, New York (1995) Hansen international world history project Accessed On: 30102003 (2000) I. Kuijt Life in Neolithic Farming Communities: Social Organization, Identity and Differentiation Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York (Sept 2001) R H Steckel et al A History of Health in Europe from the Late Paleolithic to the Present: a Research Proposal (online- accessed on: 30102003)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

African Slav

Latin American/ Caribbean countries developed lower cost labor through the preservation of the hacienda system and continuous use of foreign and Mimi grant workers through Latin American/ Caribbean plantations, even though increasing indenture servitude and increasing of wage labor was becoming more prevalent in the growing cit The Hacienda system in Latin America kept labor costs at a virtually free price by nodding Indians to certain lands by constantly keeping them in debt through out the early modern to modern period.During the early 1 ass's, Herman Cortes after being granted the Spanish crown was given encompass, allowing him access to large amounts of indigenous labor. With the growth of Indian populace by the early sass's, the hacienda sys stem continued in full throttle. Similar processes occurred in Puerco Rich during the time Of Sp anis colonization in which haciendas were created and cheap labor force was used in order to create a greater production of goods.The reason for this continuity is that the use of the hacienda system continued to give Latin America the convenience of nearby indigenous labor for a very cheap price to pay. Foreign and immigrant workers within Latin America from 14501900 were use d to work on plantations and Haciendas, because of the benefit of cheap labor. By the late sass's, Trans Atlantic slave trade began to spark, causing African slaves to be a source of labor. As slave abolition movements began to ignite in the late sass's, it became me less acceptable to continue to have slave labor, so many plantation owners secrete kept slaves with them.However, by the late 1 ass's, slavery was almost non existent, alto ugh due to the increasing popularity of indentured servants in plantations, an element of mix oratory work was still reflected upon Latin American labor force. This continuity exists because of the fact that slaves were cheap, useful, and easily accessible labor that was overall very pr deductive to the purpose of prod ucing items. Indentured labor in the Caribbean was becoming an alternative to slavery quiz cocker as more Europeans began to migrate around the world.During the 1 ass's, slave arrays in a strong position for the Caribbean, but by the time that the late sass's rolled a round, migrating Europeans began to have the choose to become a servant by paying off debt with working on a plantation. A more effective way of labor because the workers are more MO titivated to do more. This change exist because Of the fact that slaves were not needed as m such once more dedicated workers came to do the job. A similar process occurred in American colonies in which indentured workers paid off debts in order to become citizens.Wage labor in Latin America was slowly becoming more prevalent rather than slavery on haciendas. During the 1 60(Yes, wage labor was basically unheard of in this a ere, however during the sass's, wage labor began throughout Latin America. By the sass's, wage labor continued to in crease in haciendas along with indentured labor and was used because of the massive European immigration occurring instead of having to use African Slav sees. This change exists because wage labor is the willingness or agreement to work on a Hacienda and by contract. Therefore, it is by choice, not force.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Edward Fields Poem Icarus Essays

Edward Fields Poem Icarus Essays Edward Fields Poem Icarus Paper Edward Fields Poem Icarus Paper Icarus Based on the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus, Edward Fields poem Icarus has developed modernity from the time of the ancient Greece. Field developed this modernity by using literary devices so that the reader would have a broader understanding on Icarus. In the beginning of the poem, Field uses irony when the police dont suspect anything more than the usual drowning because in reality Icarus had swum away. Fields use of diction also puts the story into contemporary setting because when he mengiving that the witnesses had ran off to gang war he is iving the reader twentieth century examples because police and gangs did not exist during Greek time. In the second stanza Juxtaposition occurs when Icarus goes from being defiant in his times to nice Mr. Hicks in modernity. An allusion is then being made when Field says that the neighbors would never dream that that gray, respectable suit concealed arms that controlled huge wings meaning that the gray respectable suit type look made Icarus blend with all the other boring people and his concealed rms are not arms used in gang wars but those with which he attempted flight. However no one would ever expect this from him because he is living an everyday life that any other ordinary person would live. As you move on to the third stanza Field is finally able to adapt the story of Icarus to the modern world by using wings as a symbol. In the beginning of Icarus his arms had controlled huge wings and it then moves to him construct[ing] small wings and [trying] to fly but fails. The shift from Icarus having huge wings to the infirmity of his small wings shows how Icarus has fallen from greatness. His eyes had once compelled the sun and now his largest goal is to reach the light fixture on the ceiling. This comparison symbolizes the high expectations he once had for himself and how they are now lowered and yet still unobtainable. These symbols helped Field modernize this classic story by giving Icarus problems that relate to the audience. Instead of flying as high as the sun we are often limited and fail. This shows that even the best of us fall from our highest points and sometimes when we o fail it could be because we dont follow instructions properly and instead take these crazy risks, At the end of the poem in the last stanza, Field uses contrast and comes to the conclusion that Icarus would have been much more satisfied if he would have died. Icarus had thought of himself as a hero and dreamt of The tragic hero fall but now rides commuter trains, [and] serves various committees With this being said it is obvious that Icarus has failed himself and this is clear to the audience when he wishes he would have drowned iccarus By marissannram

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Word Families to Support Decoding Skills in Children with Disabilities

Word Families to Support Decoding Skills in Children with Disabilities Spelling with word families and rhyming words helps young children connections in both reading and writing. Seeing the relationships between these words helps students with disabilities predict new words by using known word patterns.   It supports their future success in literacy. Word families help support word recognition and generalizing decoding skills.   The following word families include word cards that you can reproduce and use in:    Word Sorts Print the pdfs for a couple of the word families:   start with the same rather than different vowel sounds, so the children will recognize them.   You can either create a two column page with the family at the top and then have the children do the sort individually, or you can print them and have students sort them in small groups on a piece of chart paper.   Learning centers: Print the word family cards on card stock, and put them in resealable sandwich or quart bags with a sorting template.   Have students at the learning center sort them.    Additive activities:   Continue to add word families: Have students take turns pulling cards in the sort and placing them on the chart paper.   Or add magnetic strips on the back of the cards and have groups of students sort the words on to a magnetic white board. Sort Games:    Sort War:   Print two word families on card stock.   Assign each child a word family.   When they snap the cards the one who puts on on the top gets to keep the pair.    Sort hearts.   Run several word families and shuffle them together.   Deal the cards to groups of three or four, 5 or 6 to each.   Leave the remainder in a stack.   Students can create sets to lay down when they have three words in a word family.   Play till all the cards are laid down.   All word families. ack back, black, crack, pack, quack, rack, sack, snack, stack, tack, track, whack. ad ad, dad, fad, glad, grad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad, tad. ail fail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, rail, sail, snail, tail. ain brain, chain, drain, gain, grain, main, pain, plain rain, stain, strain, train. ake bake, cake, flake, make, rake, take. ale bale, male, pale, scale, tale, whale. all ball, call, fall, hall, mall, small, tall, wall. am am, ham, jam, slam, spam, yam. ame blame, came, flame, frame, game, lame, name, same, tame. an an, ban, can, fan, man, pan, plan, ran, tan, van. ank bank, blank, crank, drank, plan, sank, spank, tank, thank, yank. ap cap, clap, flap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, slap, scrap, tap. ar are, bar, char, car, far, jar, par, scar, cigar, guitar. ash ash, bash, cash, crash, dash, flash, gash, hash, mash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, trash. at at, bat, brat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, spat, tat, that, vat. aw claw, draw, flaw, jaw, law, paw, straw, thaw. ay away, bay, clay, day, gay, gray, hay, lay, may, okay, pay, play, way, spray, stay, tray, way. o generalize decoding skills.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Movies summery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Movies summery - Essay Example Besides some compelling footages, the documentary also features voices and eye opening stories of farmers, food experts, food advocates, business people, and government officials. Food, Inc. seeks to inform the audience as consumers about their role in bring change to the system through making informed food choices. Food, Inc. presents an historical overview of the fast food industry indicating the transformation that has taken place over the years based the revolution of farming practices together with what and how people eat in the entire global food system. The documentary singles out the increased demand for fast food, which is inexpensive and unvarying in quality, and taste as what caused the shift to factory farming. However, it is noted that the demand for inexpensive food has led to people paying other prices like poor health and environmental degradation. The government policy of offering subsidies to corn farmers has made the commodity cheap therefore; many food producers f ind it continent to include corn or its ingredients in different products making corn perverse in many foodstuffs. It has become common, Food, Inc. notes for food producers to include components extracted from corn like xanthan gum, high-fructose corn syrup, and saccharin in their foods. The documentary also covers food contamination and the health risk such contamination pose to the population because of the revolution in food system. Contamination of food for human consumption due to the presence of bacteria such as E. coli has had far-reaching effects on human health as seen from the death of a child who ate contaminated hamburger. To make the concerns in the current food system clear, the documentary explores inherent differences between small-scale farming and industrial farming. Related to large-scale production, Food Inc. explores issues of workers’ rights and immigration of people to work in large slaughterhouses. These workers get low wages, have no job security, and have no right to form unions. The current food industry has made it impossible for small-scale farmers to compete according to Food Inc. the documentary highlights a case of a CEO of what used to be a small-scale organic yogurt production company but his company has since been taken over by a larger corporation called Groupe Danone. Food, Inc. further explores the changes in the food industries specifically targeting the treatment of seeds. The patents held by companies such as Monsanto which sells genetically modified seeds has made it illegal for farmers to store seeds from previous seasons. Some farmers face legal action even when their seeds have been contaminated by the genetically modified once from such companies. Lack of consumer awareness on the way food is processed and the ingredient it contains has been highlighted in Food, Inc as a problem. Many eat thinking they have taken a variety of food nutrients yet they have only eaten the same food type processed and packaged d ifferently. Business organizations as indicated in Food Inc. protect themselves and their products by holding onto intellectual property, and do not use detailed labels or warnings on food products they sale. Flow: For Love of Water Released in 2008, Flow: for Love of Water is a documentary about water management produced by Steven Starr. Irena Salina, the director, includes interviews from activists such as Peter Gleick, Maude Barlow, plus insights from scientists such as Rajendra Singh, Ashok Gadgil and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example GET 2 survey personal score: Need for achievement: 8/12 Need for autonomy: 4/6 Creative tendency: 11/12 Calculated risk taking: 7/12 Locus of control: 6/12 My result for this exercise was 36 out of 54 In accordance with my results, I have medium entrepreneurial capabilities. To my mind, I am lacking of professional experience, but with respect to my age I think that this experience is enough. I have a high degree of achievement need and creativity tendency. It means that I know what I want to reach in my business. There is a lacking of appropriate risk taking and I think that it is appropriate to focus more on possible outcomes of my activities. It is evident that personal contribution to my business development is very important, but to pay attention to my personal skills means much too. 2. What do you need to develop or improve? I have analyzed a current situation and I found out that I need to strive for autonomy. On the one hand, I am found of team form. From my school years I li ked doing common projects and work in the name of a common goal. I like communicating my ideas to other people and find something interesting in the name of a common goal. Moreover, I put the main emphasis on creative thinking development. Currently a global world is on the way of a high speed development and there is a need to look for innovative and unique decisions in the field of management and leadership. 3. What is the organization you work for (or have worked for) doing to attract and keep entrepreneurial talent? I have worked for 2 years as a manager of a profit Company. I was dealing with employee training and coaching. I was interested in development of communication among employees, building a communication bridge and performing my duties in the Company. I dealt with organization moments and I had to focus on certain dates for special meetings. I had to correct a schedule of my senior manager. Therefore, my punctuality and organization skills have been perfectly developed . Moreover, I dealt with the issues of leadership and the issues of the main activities of my organization. 4. How would you describe and evaluate the influence your working environment has had upon your entrepreneurial orientation? My working environment was rather diverse. Our organization hired representatives from different countries. Both representatives from Eastern and Western countries influenced a development of a diverse background for our work. When I had to communicate with different customers, I had to fulfill their needs with respect to their needs and wants. What is more important is that the customers were offered innovative means of communication. For example, I implemented usage of emails and social networks. Moreover, my customers were also pleased with having an opportunity for communicating online. It is more comfortable than solving the problems by phone and it saves time and money. Second Journal Entry Set Tasks: 1. Describe your approach to creative thinking and problem solving? I think that creative ideas can be produced only when an individual knows exactly what he wants to reach. I have been always looking for numerous opportunities to realize my creative potential. Thus, I decided to facilitate a process of communication among customers and employees. I knew exactly that â€Å"electronic bridge† (emails, websites, online updates etc) will be helpful in our daily routine. Another measure taken was my original approach to problem solving. I decided to invent a possible outcome and think about a potential benefits of a decision making process. When I thought what I wanted, my further considerations were related to my creative thinking and a potential creative approach. We had a problem in our company, when our

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Design Issues in the Contemporary World Essay

Critical Design Issues in the Contemporary World - Essay Example Research has demarcated means to market products not merely as solutions to actual problems but as panaceas to human desire. Consumers are â€Å"convinced† through sizable marketing efforts to acquire certain products to enhance their lifestyles. In this scenario the designer must produce objects that seem aesthetically either appealing or appalling to grab the consumer’s attention. (Dorst and Dijkhuis 1995) Functionality in design is fast receding. In comparison various designers from the past balanced both form and functionality. Architecture, film making, literature, performing arts all reflected an intertwined state of balance between form and functionality that was often hard to decipher. Form has been encouraged in recent years in preference to functionality. A designer ought to be truly independent of commercial influences to exploit their true creative potential. The dominance of the commercial influence on design has rendered design incapable of displaying more subtle tones of thought and reflection. Most products today are designed with a consideration to use and throw away as desired. This in turn encourages the commercial design of products that are more or less disposable. It is debateable is consumer’s demands push such behaviour or if business tendencies to spur consumption spur such tendencies. However what is apparent is that design has been tainted largely with commercial influences that have modified its original precepts. Another competing influence on design strategies is economics. Economical design strategies have shot to the fore front following the eighties and the nineties when advances in manufacturing strategies meant that designs could be optimised further to save material and machine costs. (Simon 1996) Large scale manufacturing operations encourage designers to optimise both the use of material as well as to optimise the manufacturing techniques in use. Such a strategy ensures that the produced design is provi ding desired functionality at low costs to the manufacturer. This aids the business operation to maximise profitability by reducing base costs while keeping profit margins higher. Economic considerations have clearly impacted the length and breadth of the design industry whether the automobile industry is considered or whether fashion design is considered. The base contention is nearly always the same to cut base costs through the optimised use of materials and processes. Often designers produce designs that are then optimised by engineers or other manufacturing experts to remove what could be considered essential design features such as curves, tricky surfaces and the like. This ensures that the design is simplified for manufacturing. (Faste 2001) Similarly clothing designs are modified too such as using different pigments for achieving dimmer or otherwise different colours etc. Overall, economics serve as a major influence on design methods and the affected design domain includes all forms and manners of designs. Large influences on design in the contemporary world stems from globalisation of cultures, societies, ideas and ultimately design influences. The fusion of various cultural influences has produced individuals that are well aware of local values and traditions just as they are well aware of design influences in another part of the world. For example, Japanese designs were known the world over for their subtle and precise character. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Vodafone Case Essay Example for Free

Vodafone Case Essay The UK mobile telecommunications market is one of the most competitive in the world and, as a consequence, customer attrition or ’churn’ is high. In 2005, as part of a strategy to build on its market leadership, Vodafone UK began the quest for a competitor intelligence tool that would help its sales advisors reduce customer attrition and secure new sales. Vodafone wanted a service that would deliver timely, accurate information on the tariffs, deals and handsets being offered by its competitors to the employees that need it most the customer facing staff. After a rigorous analysis of competitor intelligence offerings from over a dozen providers, Vodafone UK selected CInergy’s Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢. The service delivers same day market tracking and analysis of key competitor information from other mobile operators, major retailers and mobile virtual network operators. Quarter by quarter reduction in churn Measurable improvements in conversion rates Integration with retention and sales strategy Easy deployment with minimal impact on IT/CRM systems Partnership approach to implementation and training The Challenge With thousands of tariff, handset and offer combinations available in the market, keeping contact centre advisors up to date can seem an impossible task. Vodafone UK recognised this challenge and identified that it required a competitor intelligence tool that would help it to retain existing contract customers, notably at time of contract renewal, and attract more new customers. The company had initially considered developing its own solution, but had soon found that this would have been excessively costly both in financial terms and in the amount of resource required and identified that this was not its core area of expertise. Vodafone UK also found that there was a dearth of competitor data that was comprehensive and accurate enough for advisors to rely on during high pressure customer negotiations. The company therefore sought a partner which understood the specific challenges of the mobile telecoms market and which could apply that expertise to the data it delivered. Business Objectives â€Å"This has been an excellent implementation for CInergy, and Vodafone’s innovation and dedication to the project has enabled it to achieve very good results from the CInergy AIâ„ ¢ system†. Brian Boroff, MD, CInergy International Vodafone UK’s brief was that it wanted to understand its competitive landscape more clearly, to enable it to respond swiftly and effectively to customer requests and to ensure that it had a clear picture of how its offers stacked up against the competition. Specifically, the company wanted this information to be available not just to the management and marketing functions, but directly to advisors in its contact centres who deal with customers day to day. The company also wanted a system that would not have major implications for its IT platforms and which could be integrated into the existing desktops used by contact centre advisors, complete with Vodafone corporate branding. Finally, Vodafone UK needed an exp ert in the field that could provide end to end support from designing the service, through to delivery, advisor training and rollout across the organisation. The Solution: CInergy AIâ„ ¢ CInergy had already developed its Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ (AIâ„ ¢) competitor intelligence platform for the mobile telecoms market at the time that Vodafone issued its RFP in 2005. By designing an appropriate interface and tailoring specific service modules to meet Vodafone’s needs, CInergy was able to meet the criteria detailed in the RFP and to deliver a fully working system in a very short timeframe. After a successful trial, the service was rolled out to the majority of Vodafone’s contact centre community around the UK during 2006. Key features of Vodafone UK’s implementation of CInergy’s AIâ„ ¢ include: Comprehensive tariff and promotion monitoring Handset / device tracking with up to date pricing from all major competitors On demand, side by side comparisons of different deals, tariffs and handset options Expert analysis and scripted points that enable Vodafone sales advisors to demonstrate ’why we’re better’ Fully branded interface to match Vodafone  UK’s Intranet Reliable, accurate data analysed by teams with mobile telecoms knowledge A hosted, secure platform Delivering Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ Vodafone and CInergy worked closely together to ensure that Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ would deliver optimum benefits in terms of improved customer retention and sales. This partnership approach has enabled Vodafone to achieve a swift return on its investment. The company has found that its levels of churn have decreased as more sales advisors become familiar with the system and are able to integrate the CInergy AIâ„ ¢ functionality and information into their acquisition and retention processes. CInergy supported Vodafone in the development and delivery of induction training on Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ for all contact centre advisors with access to the system. Now that the system is in use, short refresher sessions delivered in the weekly advisor meetings ensure that all advisors are kept up to date as new features are introduced. Since CInergy AIâ„ ¢ was launched in 2006, CInergy has worked with Vodafone to implement two major upgrades to the system, as well as providing regular enhancements to the interfaces, functionality and database content based on feedback from the advisors who use CInergy AIâ„ ¢every day. â€Å"Since we’ve started using the system, it has contributed to a fall in our churn rates quarter by quarter, ensuring we remain highly competitive in the UK market†. John Coulstock, Senior Manager, Vodafone UK The Results As John Coulstock, a senior manager at Vodafone, explains, â€Å"We launched Accelerated Intelligence in Q3 2006 and it is currently in use by a large number of our contact centre advisors. Since we’ve started using the system, it has contributed to a fall in our churn rates quarter by quarter, ensuring we remain highly competitive in the UK market. We’ve found that the more our agents use the system, the more sales they are able to close. The CInergy  AIâ„ ¢ application has become an integral part of our customer retention and sales strategy.† Vodafone has now renewed its contract with CInergy for an extended term. CInergy’s AIâ„ ¢ service has delivered a range of benefits to Vodafone including: A contribution to a reduction in contract churn since its launch in Q3 2006 Improvement in the rate of saves in consumer and enterprise customer bases Reduction in call handling time Increased ability to set deals in a market context leading to better acquisition performance Improvements in operational efficiency by eliminating onerous, manual data collection Improved reporting, trend prediction, forecasting and analysis Clear understanding of competitor offerings to improve key pricing messages in advertising, dealer negotiations and channel marketing CInergy AIâ„ ¢ Content Modules CInergys AIâ„ ¢ is a powerful platform which is modular to suit the needs of todays mobile operators: Tariff and price tracking Detailed handset and device information Channel specific deals and advertising Source: Vodafone KPIs, December 2007 CInergy’s Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ has contributed to a 18.6% reduction in churn since its launch in Q3 2006. As Brian Boroff, MD of CInergy concluded, â€Å"This has been an excellent implementation for CInergy, and Vodafone’s innovation and dedication to the project has enabled it to achieve very good results from the CInergy AIâ„ ¢ system.† Vodafone UK Contract Churn Within OneYear of CInegy Al Rollout About Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢ CInergy’s Accelerated Intelligenceâ„ ¢(AIâ„ ¢) puts competitive information into the hands of customer facing teams, enabling them to counter competitive offers and achieve higher retention and sales performance. The service enables service providers to significantly improve the number of sales they  close in a single call, helping to drive down the cost of customer acquisition and retention as well as improving revenues. Accelerated Intelligence is proven in the UK mobile telecom space having worked with four of the UK’s main network operators, delivering an average incremental customer save rate of 1.59% and reduction in call handling time of 22 seconds. CInergy International was set up in 2003 to deliver customer acquisition and retention solutions to providers of mobile and fixed telecom, broadband and digital television services. â„ ¢ About Vodafone UK Vodafone UK has 18.4 million customers and is part of the worlds largest mobile community offering a wide range of voice and data communications. The company is committed to providing mobile solutions that allow both consumer and business customers to make the most of now. Vodafone customers can now use Internet on your Mobile to view and navigate web pages and their favourite sites such as YouTube, eBay and the BBC. In addition, Vodafone connects customers across the globe with roaming agreements worldwide. It provides 3G roaming in 29 countries and offers great roaming value with Vodafone Passport.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

This is the retake part of English article assignment. The requirements of this part are to write opinion about two articles related to Macro Economics and two articles related to Law, as well as a personal comment about Saunders’s Research methods book students had to read for Methodology, evaluating its educational value, as well as pointing out its weak and strong points. The students should mediate whether they like the article or not, if it’s related to lectures in the class or contradicts it, also if it illustrates something. The article chosen should not be older than 6 months and the students have to write their own comment about the article based on their knowledge built during their studying of the courses. 2. Macro Economics articles A. Comment on article 1 Globalization became an important aspect in the international economic relations. I chose this article and liked it because it discusses one of the important issues that international economic relation face, which is globalization. In my opinion it’s not only a problem, but it could be useful to certain countries, yet it could destroy the fair competition in some countries. To me, if there was no barrier or limitation for the globalization, people might stop buying the local product, which means the gross domestic production will decrease leaving the country in an economic loss. Because of globalization, most of the countries in the world will no longer concentrate on the local markets. Their focus became on regional or even world markets. It also changed the way they produced domestic goods. Just because a country might have the resources and ability to produce a particular commodity no longer means that they will produ... ...heart which gives no space for creativity. In my opinion as a student I think that the books we study should be interesting and leave a space of creativity for the student because we have many lectures and we need to study a lot of book and it is very hard for most of us to study all the books by heart, that is why the study books should be written in way that allows all the students to read it and understand the content to be able to write the idea in their own way and not just copy pasted text from the book. As a conclusion I see that the book has a rich content for those who want to be specialized as market researchers because of its intensive information but I think it would be better if we could learn the research methods in more general ways that we understand and can help us in our future jobs not just theoretical details we forget after finishing the exam.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Does Improved Technology Mean Progress? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Does Improved Technology Mean Progress? I feel that there is progress happening everywhere in the world today. Not all progress is from new advancements in science and technology but a lot of it is. There is so much knowledge held amongst people to allow such advancements to occur. Having knowledge is a great tool because without it, there would be no progress of any sort. People need to learn that they should study as much as possible so maybe one day they can contribute to making more progress happen. Achieving progress is a helpful way of improving our standard way of living. Even though progress is a good thing, I also feel that it can cause problems too. People just need to realize that in order to produce new and better things we might have to go through some rough times on the way. New advancements will continually be arising in the future and hopefully somebody one day will find away to make it so these new advancements will not contain new problems. Machinery today keeps on getting better and better. New discoveries in technology allow us to improve the quality of our machinery so their performance level is better than some might have expected. These new technologies also make it a lot easier on people in the workforce. New technologies have a huge affect on society. Farmers, for example, have it a lot easier now than they did in the early 1900's. More advanced farm equipment is the reason for this. Aside from all the good things that arise from new machinery, there is also a few down falls. Many people loose their jobs because of all the new high-tech machinery. For this reason, I am sure some believe that progress is not always for the better. What if in the future, machinery started dominating everyone's job, what would we do then? Also at certain times, new advancements are used in the wrong way. For example, it was stated in Leo Marx's article that because of these new technology advancements, "Hiroshima and the nuclear threat; pollution and other kinds of damage inflicted upon the environment by advanced industrial societies; spectacular accidents like B-mile Island, Bhepal, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Race and Your Community Essay

My community is very diverse. On the left side of my house you will find a young, white on white, married couple and to my left the opposite is true; you will find an older, black on black, married couple. If you walk down my street you will find a wide range of colors and ages any of which may be married or single, in an interracial relationship or of the same race. The feeling tends to be live and let live, or so I thought until I actually spoke with some of my friends that are either of color or are in interracial relationships. What I found was shocking to me and that is that racism is very much alive in my community. I am a white female and I am 35 years old and I am married to a white man that is 30 years old. I have three children from a previous marriage and they are also white. Because the media tends to be geared toward people of white skin I would have to say that they represent people like me. Our local news station consists of two Hispanic news anchors and the rest of the journalists are primarily white, but I do know of one black gentleman. Every where you go in my community the two races that you see represented are whites and Hispanics. I’m not sure what the thinking is concerning the lack of recognition for the other races, but it does bother me that it is so very obvious in its exclusion of others. I am assuming that these decisions are made by leaders within the community, but who they might be I am not sure. I really don’t have much to do with â€Å"leaders† in my community outside of my Pastors and their view is very much the same as mine and that is that people are people and God made us all to be equal. My Pastor has a daughter that is mix and maybe this is one reason he is so open to all races and people. The one thing that you will notice when you walk into my church is that it looks like a racial rainbow. There are a great many races and ethnic groups represented and it is a great place to be. You have pretty much every kind of interracial marriage that you can put together with the races represented and out of this you have some pretty awesome children. I have the honor of working with the little ones and I think that it is so cool that they are growing up in a world that is so open and colorful. At least this is what I thought before I actually spoke with some of the adults about their daily lives as a person of color or in a mixed marriage with mixed children. I spoke with one woman named Roni; I have known this woman for 8 years and what I found out I will have to say was a shock to me. I was telling her some things that I was learning in this class and asked her what she thought about racism and if she experienced any form of it. I have to tell you that I honestly did not expect her to yes. Well, she did and she went on to tell me how when her oldest son was in Kindergarten she was at the Principals office on numerous occasions because of how her son was being treated. He even came home singing a song once that was slanderous towards black people. Obviously her son didn’t know what he was singing but she did and it grieved and angered her. Roni is a Hispanic woman that is married to a black man so keep this in mind when picturing her in the office of a white principal discussing racially slanderous songs that her son was taught in his class. I had such a hard time even empathizing with her. As a white woman I do not even think I have ever been a situation remotely like this. Needless to say she had to be very careful how she worded things to make the principal take responsibility for what was going on in the school. She went on to tell me many other stories of how her children were mistreated in class because of their skin color and how people look at them and stereotype them because they are not white. I would love to tell you that this was the only example of racism but I would not be telling you the truth. My best friend is a white woman in her mid-twenties and she is married to a black man and they have 4 children together. Her kids call me Aunt ShaSha. I was there when these children were born and I love them dearly. I see them as children and it never occurred to me that others may see them as anything else. Well, as I mentioned before I do not have any issues within the community. Everyone is friendly and helpful and I am usually welcomed with a smile, well if I am dressed nice but that is another paper, so imagine my shock when I took her children out to the grocery store and people actually treated my differently because I had mixed children with me. This was not the first time I had been in public with the children but it was the first time that I was out with them alone and to my dismay people actually looked down their noses to me and for the first time I realized what it must feel like to be a woman living in an interracial world. At first I thought maybe I was just having an off day so I talked to Alanna (the children’s mother) about it and she confirmed that she is treated like this on a regular basis. She went on to tell me a story about being at the doctor’s office and how the doctor was ugly to her and her son and even went so far as to refuse to treat her son. She complained to the department head and the issue was resolved, but she assured me this was not the only incident concerning racism. There is a section of my community where the racism is in reverse; it is blacks being racist towards whites. I honestly couldn’t figure it out and I was upset about it as well. In my ignorance I was upset about them always complaining about the slave days and how their ancestors were mistreated and so on and so forth. I wanted to shout to them to let it go and move on and to look around because those days were over and not everyone is racist anymore. Well, through this class I have learned so much about them and what has transpired over the last 100 years and have come to realize that it really hasn’t been long enough for the younger generations to separate it in their thinking yet and that they are upset for many reasons but one valid reason is that they have never been apologized to for the travesty they had to endure at the hands of greedy and self-serving people. I am so thankful for this class because it has afforded me the opportunity to get shocked out of my little bubble and to really get to know my brothers and sisters and some of what they go through on a daily basis. I think that my community does a good job at representing minority group interests. Our schools have ESL programs in place and there is a community health clinic that runs off of a sliding scale for those that cannot afford medical insurance. There’s child care provided at no cost by the government. I don’t mention these things to portray that all minority groups are poor, but the numbers show that there is a poverty issue among some minority groups and so I am thankful that these services are provided. I am one such person that cannot afford medical insurance at this time so I am grateful for these services. I honestly don’t know what other services need to be implemented but you can be sure that I will be talking to more people and finding out. I feel so liberated! I find myself wanting to stop people and ask them what their experiences are and how it affects them and what they would change and why. I am just not sure how people will receive those kinds of questions from a 115 pound, white woman. I think that if there was one area that I could change it would be advertising because I honestly do not believe that America is represented by the people that model for these pictures or advertisements. I would love to use people of color. Not just black or Hispanic, but the real color of America, at least in my community, is mix. It is Philippine and white or Puerto Rican and Black, but it is definitely colorful and diverse. I love my community. I know that it is not perfect but no community is or will ever be, but what my community has is a huge mix of people who the majority of love one another or at least accept everyone. Through this thinking I would have to say that we are the same. There are the ones that still have some growing to do, but progress is being made and through education and time more progress will be made.